Decoy Development Coaching session


Decoy Development Coaching session
Saturday 1st February 10-12 at decoy track.

To Help with the development of our level one coaches we will be holding Saturday coaching sessions overseen by Andrew Decoys level 2 Coach.

2 hours sessions at £7.50 a rider this is open to all riders.

If for any reason riders cant make it please let us know, if we can fill the space we will refund.

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Decoy Development Coaching session
To Help with the development of our level one coaches we will be holding Saturday coaching sessions overseen by Andrew Decoys level 2 Coach.
2 hours sessions at £7.50 a rider this is open to all riders.
Saturday 1st February 10-12 at decoy track.
If for any reason riders cant make it please let us know, if we can fill the space we will refund.